I wish you could kiss the bruises on my heart make the marks vanish one by one so that each beat continues to meet the next and each time my heart pumps the art it has stored in there, it wouldn't be so tragic. The static words, deceased on the page like snowflakes misshapen by the treacherous winds, melted to a droplet and softened the stones like teardrops softening a once sturdy heart.
I wish you could kiss the bruises on my heart but so far you've been the depiction in every word, every hurt and every tear I've ever written about. You are without a doubt the muse behind my writings, the angel igniting the flames that fuels my heart and art would be meaningless had it not seen the influence of you. You are every sloppy kisses, every awkward hugs, enough to make me want to try all my mistakes again like defend my heart only to have the fences defenceless.