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Dec 2016
It has been an uphill climb
Singing that stood up and extended out
Captivation being the wonder George Michaels
He had it tough in his younger years
A man prior being an unknown became a singing sensation that talent that has shown
A voice with rhythm and endure
I hear excellence of an echoing applause
Years continued in being prosperous years
However, Heaven took affect
George Michaels will slumber into sleep
His soul is God’s to keep
Remember me in music and not just George Michaels alone
I have reached my stardom
But that is something Heaven knows
This is my moment to be alone with the Holy One
My days maybe finished, but I will always be George Michaels being forever distinguished
The Heavens light that captured my soul
It was the wonder in behold
I tell my fans goodbye
But don’t cry
My life was filled with every giving try
I am now at a new plateau
I have no regrets
But with that thought, I will just let
So long from a far
Thank you fans for supporting me as a musical talent star
My life has risen up
My encouragement too all my fans in never give up
I am ok spiritually in every way
George Michaels is my name, but my music will still remain
But make Heaven your aim.
Written by
preservationman  New York City
(New York City)   
   Doug Potter
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