12/24/2016 to G.G. "When the sons of Princeton Gather anywhere, There’s a place they think of, Longing to be there. It’s the one and only University, Situated and celebrated In New Jersey -Traditional Princetonian song, "Going Back to Nassau Hall"
You worried I wouldn't contact you again I laughed because it was funny.
I'd told you my favorite beach boys song was That's Not Me
He moves to the city and regrets it I guess maybe the feeling of being in over my head prevailed in my life.
Speaking of which– we sat in the deserted Prospect Garden
where Fitzgerald did once And it was donated in 1879 people wrote of it:
"Its grounds, like eden" I wondered if this was ephemeral looked hard for the temptation.
I didn't see any fruit trees. I stared straight ahead on the bench into the piercing dark
English Yew behind us and the red gravel.
I said: "I can't use thin spoons" I didn't look at you when I did.
"When you say that," A pointedly deep breath I turn to you.
You continue: "I feel like I love you." I laughed, not because it was funny
But I laughed in its simplest form- Is it not an expression of human happiness?
You told me that you didn't know why I seemed to
Dislike the things that made me great I laughed because it was funny
And turned to kiss you you were the first person to ever say I was "absolutely" beautiful
What do you say to that? I smiled and tried to not look
At you in a way that betrayed to you the feelings I was trying so very hard to conceal–
they said this: That I was starting to feel the affects of a very deep fondness.
As time passes my poetry, more succinct.
i fear i am losing it but does it matter?
we'd talked about vanitas. it was hard to say goodbye and i
turned to you as you walked away focused on the way you walk watched you become smaller
and went out to the car. in front of nassau hall and i