My love My life Blissful truths sustain me Our time is just beginning Tests and trials abound tearing flesh open over scars It changes nothing My love for you grows with each passing second My heart is overjoyed in tactile memories The smell of your skin soothes me The sound of your laughter begs a smile Your pewter eyes shimmer in love's reflection The essence of you resides in me as the truth of who I am resides in you Unmasked and laid bare I am at your feet offering you all that I am For it has always been yours And you have always been mine Our eternity is united, entwined Through the flames that burn away a world we were never meant to fight through, we will emerge a sphere of light a cosmic bubble of peace Love seems too small of a word though it is all there is We.. are We are love We are truth We are both reality and the dream We cure the disease of distance with a spirit that defines us Meet me through the miles where this plane cannot reach us where time is eternal And the blissful truth of us remains pure Untainted by an unkind world which is nothing But tomorrow's past
122316 To the Him who loves Her Eternally my soul is in your charge