at first i feel the water.. it carries me to this utopia of thoughts upon thoughts.. where the sancutuary of dreams reside..
all worries have faded.. i finally open my eyes and see that the skies are a purple and beautiful blue.. the clouds are as white as the holy light.. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ i close my eyes and feel the air under me.. it carries me beyond my thoughts and into the thoughts of others.. where i see beauty through the eyes of another.. a beauty that has always been there but i could not see with my own eyes..
there is no more ugly.. its a feeling of content like no other.. i see only beauty.. i am happy beyond anything.. )))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))
i close my eyes and feel the sun shine down on me.. it warms my body with a warmth that i will have for eternity.. i will never be cold again.. never will i be cold to anyone again..
i will only hold you and help you shine on through.. it will never be only you.. it will forever be us.. *****************
i close my eyes and feel this earth below me.. i now stand in absolute of who i am and where i am.. this place is an ascension of my soul..
i have been through the bad and the worse.. i was able to keep walking on through.. hand and hand.. forever, whenever! ---------------------------------------------------------------