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Dec 2016
On a ship off of the coast of Florida,
I met a girl.
She had wild curly hair and a wild beautiful smile.
She sat across from me in a corner booth and spoke of singing, dancing and acting.
A theater kid she told me.
A lover of dogs.
I could tell she was weird like me.

She reminded me of 4 years earlier,
My first day of high school.

Walking into first period and accidentally bumping into someone.
Turning to apologise and there was a hulking figure.
He had wild soulful eyes and a wild crooked grin.
He spoke about writing rhymes and performing live.
A misfit he told me.
A lover of his Chihuahua.
I could tell he was nuts like me.

Let me be honest,
Nobody wants to be like me.
But those that are?
We're unique.
We're crazy.
And we have way more fun than normal people.
We eat pizza on deck 5 at 3 AM.
We blast down dirt roads at 75 MPH. (Also at 3AM)
We live.
This poem is for and about Casi  (first stanza) That I met while on vacation and immediately hit it off with and about Hyland (stanza 2), my best friend that I met while in high school.
Written by
Wordfreak  23/M/Denver, CO
(23/M/Denver, CO)   
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