They say don't Judge a book buy its cover My book has a giant happy face slapped right on the front It has 5 star ratings And... critics LOVED it But inside my book there's a bit of darkness.
Look closely at the pages and you'll see the dried tears. Read in between the lines, Every time she says, "I'm fine." she really means "no one see’s the pain here".
And she doesn't even tell you about her eating disorder because, well... that would ruin the story.
She always mentions her dead brother as if he's here, some times forgetting that he's not because honestly, that's all she's got.
And she can't even say her own name, because with comes a think layer of shame.
she- she doesn't know who she is yet, but that's okay because the happy face hides that!
The happy face keeps her secret. It holds her together, makes sure all her pages don't fly away, Tells no one that she'd rather be dead than here today. And she is who she is because of the happy face, it hides that inside... she is a sad disgrace.
You see... her cover, it binds her pages, It hides her rages, Makes sure her tears are ALWAYS in their cages Her happy face, it is contagious.