I have often wondered, and I have often thought, That I have often delayed without there being any cause. I often over think and I often codgitate, Procrastinating over my procrastinations of the day.
Over thinking needlessly, postponed imagined pain. Second guessing everything. Oh why must I delay? I know that it's important so why do I delay? I know that it's my only chance. Hold on... I'm running away.
And what will happen if I fail? Oh and what will people think? And what if I have got it wrong? ... Maybe I'll rethink.
The point of all this pondering, is to try to tell myself To never let a moment pass without giving me a chance.
"So what!" If people laugh. "So what!" If I lay dashed. At least I'll know within myself that I've given me a chance.
For now I'll live on with regret, every day, And think about those who seem so far away. What would have happened & where would I be? Oh if only I'd...