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Nov 2016
The hours of silence **** me like cancer.
In this day and age
No one knocks on your door to see how you are doing
Or to make a new neighborhood friend.
The way you look and if a silly mistake was made
It defines if you shoul remain alone in the end.
Even during the Cold War the good hearted Russians went past a paranoid government
Past our blind government
They held out a hand
Which is worth more than any political profoundness
Between two lands
Now it is forth years. Past
I guess good habits die with vanity, stereotypes, and greed.
Nothing is lost if you greet a newcomer that you have seen
In action bear no hate.
Now what is the cost of another Allie
If the world is already sick?
Nothing! Unless your eyes are blind and cannot see.
The real truth without a single self defined lie.
Kevin Michael Kappler
Written by
Kevin Michael Kappler  Illinois
   Keith Wilson
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