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Nov 2016
This is my sunrise
This is my golden morning
Not even the fiercest enemy
Can wrest this from me

So dazzling that I can barely look
So bright and true
As to leave glowing imprints
On my retina

Burning golden orb
Owning the cloudless sky
Radiating warmth wherever you go
You bring life to all around you

Melting the overnight frost
On blades of grass
Filling me with hope
Warming the inside of my bones

You, the sun of hope
Are rising
To banish the darkness of the night

Trees lean into you
Their hundreds of years of life
Nurtured by your offerings

I wish that your rays
Would fill my blood
And travel through every vessel in my body

You, our sun, could never die
And we, your children
Are given eternal life
28th November 2016
Commuter Poet
Written by
Commuter Poet  UK
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