learning all about the little nuances that try to define what it is exactly that lies at your core, the buzzing generator of unmistakable charm, patterns of thoughts like ever-shifting wallpaper in your head, forever reluctant to meet my eyes for fear of our mirrored colors merging into one, pools of green and earth
5:06 PM
no surprise to figure life is about moving when raised on the road and pit-stop friends but I'm at a loss when it comes to leaving you with a good impression, powerless to live these last few days to the fullest, stuck on that expression, those colors
5:32 PM
meaning thrives in the silences between our speech, only beginning to gather itself up before we carry on, fascinated by the effect our own vibrations can have on another, sure the aftershock will hit any day now, the yesterday
6:24 PM
next time I hope to embrace the silence as I do whenever you head off into the sunset, ridiculous quiet building a time and space for us to enjoy the company that comes with forgetting I am there and never being able to forget you