Living in seclusion and seemingly trapped in the worlds illusions of what is right and what is wrong as I continue searching for those things I just can't seem to find because I am trapped inside.
All seems a grand illusion and there is just no escape from this confusion but I am happy being alone because my mind is free to roam.
I get out of bed with a sudden urge to write and I look through subjects of which to write about and I find that some hold anger, some are filled with heartbreak and reveal the fear that people hold of places, and of events of their past, but the subject of love is really the only one that reveals to me the sun.
We don't stop loving because we grow old but we will grow old if we stop loving and life is beauty so let us admire it and life is sometimes a dream so let us realize it and let us dare it.
Let love be your guiding light and know that all of the hurt and pain will eventually fade away and know that the strong will always prevail in the end so let time be your friend. Jon York 2016