We fall in love Deep mad love And everything Everything about life seems better We hold hands Kiss tightly and long We get lost between Slow *** and hard reckless ******* We stay up late with the stars and catch the sunrise We phone and talk about nothing and anything and lose ourselves in laughter and forget to care about what time it is And time passes and we get comfortable We get so ****** comfortable that we forget about the fire the madness and slowly we take love for granted We laze around it We wander from it in the grocery store the long car rides we carelessly ignore it during what was once love making and not just killing time or just ******* to **** And the fire dies down And madness packs up And soon enough mouths no longer kiss and hands dont hold and then theres yelling and finger pointing and blame tossed around And we forget about love We forget how it all happened How we got so ****** comfortable and we lose it and we find misery and then misery gets so ****** comfortable and we enjoy it We enjoy being miserable and we just gotta laugh about how stupid we can be