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Nov 2016
An air of resignation that
we breathe in every day
wanting things to change
doesn't mean that things
will go away.

deal in futures here and now
as if somehow we have
second sight

there's nothing like the dead of night
to remind me
monsters hide in all these places
where the darkness hides the
many faces of regret.

We still have this
the undiluted pleasure of an
early morning kiss
unless I've missed something
some things like this will
never change.

I do not resign
will not give in,
when weary you breathe me
when lively you tire me
if helpless you help me to
get a grip,

I let reality rip through me
to tear and reassure me
this is no dream.
John Edward Smallshaw
Written by
John Edward Smallshaw  68/Here and now
(68/Here and now)   
   DivineDao and Traveler
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