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Oct 2016
Remember when the moon was made out of cheese?
When our blood was still gold, when the universe could be traveled in a cardboard spaceship and kingdoms were made from pastel pillows and soft blankets
When we lived off cereal and juice boxes, when there were monsters in the toilets.
Peanut Butter stuck to the top of your mouth, knees bruised, cut from falling out of trees
Crashed bikes and burnt finger tips.
Lullabies and rhymes the only songs in our little heads
In an era when time did not exist.
When the morning lasted till noon, the trees would sing along with the fireflies and pillbugs
As we’d lay, stomachs full of water melon waiting for the evening to swallow the yellow glow of the dying day.
Do you remember when the coolest thing you could have was a lava lamp?
Remember when the snow wasn’t icy?
Remember when flowers would grow out of everything?
Do you recall the smell of the rain before the damp and the cold?
Do you remember that time you could hear the blood pounding in your ears, remember wondering how ants saw the world?
Written by
mazzy  17/NM
   g and Epic Monkey
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