To me, it is a leap of faith To fall in love To give someone your heart Love is terribly daunting It is beautiful and Terrifying to give someone the power to destroy you... You place them inside your heart A place woven perfectly for them... You allow him to grip onto your heart the way he clutches onto your back As he takes you... As he marvels at the beauty of your body and your very soul You allow him to see inside of you... The dark desolate dreams that silently scream... You allow him to know who you truly are That sometimes you cuss And time to time tears flood from your eyes You give him every piece of you He grabs your heart The way he tears at your soul As you open up every part to him... Perhaps you do love this man For when you see him, love swells inside your heart And you become someone you had never thought you could be... Passionate and precise...
Love is daunting Love is allowing you soul to be placed upon inspection And they dissect every piece of you Observe you And you pray to God that they'll love those Dark and defiled pieces of your heart... And those pieces that are good and happy And filled with love to give to them
Love is incredibly terrifying And I pray that this is it You will love me Forever perhaps... I truly do hope that this is love... Because I feel that what I have for you Is that daunting Feeling of love...