Sitting in the car Mulling over near and far, There And what is definitely here:
Youth cannot ‘feel’ eighty-two. Doctors too. Your doctor, my… So many symptoms pass them by. ‘Tis pity, for ‘tis I who suffer, study, Face to face with, analyze. Use self through trial and t-error, I who ponder, for I must, There being no one I dare trust (except for God unseen who has the charge of body mine). Nonetheless, geron (Greek for old man) Plus –ology (the study of) Is what is needed in our time, Oxymoron though it sounds, and given that The young can never feel out Time’s dealing out, Apprentice doctors in their prime Should get to know the facts of age, The pages, wages of real life, For theory is theory, A fact that disappoints me Visit after visit, Closeted by slow decline When I am looking for relief.