The angel train on the track once again running at six fifty two yet serenity disturbs me angels perturb me what can a poor sinner do?
I stare into a night full of demons but am careless with thoughts
and there will be because it is so someone who'll find me somewhere to go.
Down in the dungeon I hear the chains rattle on walls that are covered in blood soaked graffiti.
The twenty first century why bother to mention me why not forget?
I **** on a Zube ( no one remembers them ) stuck on the tube
this is like being in the Co-op awaiting the vacuum to pluck me up to some dark starlit back room but It's not It's Thursday on the railway going my way? I hope so.
Severe delays on the Central line due to bad management and years of underfunding? You won't hear that over the tannoy.