Where are the late night painters and poets and dreamers The 24 hour coffee shops with chipped saucers and street musicians and black and white photo opportunities The 3:07 am philosophers and talkers and ******* this and **** that "I aint' workin' for the man" protest fighters Where are the push back the day I'm not finished with the night Loners and monsters and strangers Because normal isn't working and humans are disgusting So I would rather walk alone Than be part of a population wearing blinders pretending nothings wrong with living in a world that isn't safe for our sisters and our brothers sitting on the wrong side of a broken justice system Its safer on the streets for rapists and murders Than a girl in a short skirt or a man born with dark skin Where are the architects of love and the masons of kindness and the engineers of empathy Who's gonna save us when heaven turns out to be empty And there's no one there to wash away the blood off our hands for our crimes and sins against humanity Without the late night painters and poets and dreamers The 24 hour coffee shops become ghost towns and the world crumbles And the only thing beautiful for humanity to do is give itself to death