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Oct 2016
Sometimes I dream
of the foghorn near the docks
whistling like a forgotten friend
in your letterbox
walking home from work
after I had left for the last time,
Remember the ringing of the last tram
freezing  in the air
like a photograph
before breathing too quickly
ain’t you glad you walked away?
Sometimes I dream of
the chime of the clock
which freezes at mid-day someday
weeping under spires
and underneath dock boats,
Dreaming of my heart
******* in chains
instead of knots  
before I unpicked the lock
and walked away without regret
stealing inspiration from the sunset.  

(From the End of Summer -;=UTF8&qid;=1475915722&sr;=1-2)
Andy N
Written by
Andy N  Manchester, UK
(Manchester, UK)   
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