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Oct 2016
I am not sure when I started hating women.
I am not sure if I hate all women
Or just ******* Meg.
I know it was after Meg married me.
But that ***** doesn't count as a woman.
She didn't need a ******* husband.
She should have bought a dog.

Pulling me around to show to her boring
****** friends when I wanted to watch
the ******* play offs.

Would you like a cup of tea
And some ******* bunt cake Harry.
No I ******* would not.
I could **** a ******* cheeseburger
With the works and a pitcher of bud.

He seems kinda quiet Meg
You two doing alright.?
Yeah she said smiling
He's pouting because the games on
He's being trained.
Trained for ***** sake.

I looked at her sweet face
and her ***** figure.
And I gave a bollocking to little Harry.
For being such a *******
and marrying her.
After all I reasoned to him
Who needs to buy the cow
When I get the milk for free.

But that little guy had a mind of his own.
Now ten months ago I tied a ******* knot
With my tongue
I can't undo with my teeth.

What a ******* ***** she turned out
She deals out two meals
**** and more ****.
She knows when I am at the end of
my ******* string.
Then sheΒ Β is sweet to little Harry
And I he pulls me along for the ride.
So to speak.

The ******* fights
The neighbors banging in the wall.
The condo committee *******
Your infracting clause
six hundred and ******* forty one
Sub ******* paragraph three point ******* one.
The right of quiet enjoyment.

I think **** it I could use some quiet enjoyment.
But no hope of that with this *****.
Boy that ******* bra of hers is filled with
a set of lungs.
She never used bad language
When we dated.
But that was before
I came the useless *****.
And the bone idle *******.

For a couple of months now
She started bashing me
In our barneys.
She packs a ******* good Mike Tyson
With that left hook of hers.
Get up you big ***** she yells.
Put your big girl ******* on and fight.
It was only a ******* love tap.
I'm just glad she wasn't
******* mad at me then..


Sometimes when the moon is shining
In our bedroom she turns to me
And runs her fingers through my hair.
And kisses me softly like when we just dating.
Her full soft breast press against my bare chest.
I look into her beautiful face
And kiss her deeply.
She says I love you Harry
Your my boy.
******* weird
I say I love you too Meg darling
And I ******* well mean it.

And she takes me softly
And I have tears in my eyes
At her gentleness
Go ******* figure.
I don't ask for much, I only want your trust,
And you know it don't come easy.
And this love of mine keeps growing all the time,
And you know it don't come easy.
Ringo Star Song
Written by
Jude kyrie  Canada
   Doug Potter
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