I guess there are two kinds of people; The Sun and The Moon
The Sun kind of people are the ones who show the world how their presence is essential and inevitably crucial While, The Moon kind of people are the ones who usually works behind the desk that their role is, no matter how significant, remain invisible
I guess there are two kinds of people; The Candles and The Matches
The Candles kind of people are the ones who would light up the others not minding how it could burn their own selves While, The Matches kind of people are the ones who take advantages of everything for the sake of their own good without thinking it may harm and hurt the others
I guess there are two kinds of people; The Sunrise and The Sunset
The Sunrise kind of people are the the ones who meant to stay in our life, to finally prove that not everything is temporary, that sometimes people and things could last forever too While, The Sunset kind of people are the ones who has always meant to teach us lessons from the very first place, but that doesn't make it less of them because a part of them will always exist on the darkest corner of our heart