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Sep 2016
I've watched life unfold
In this past month
I left my job the same way
I arrived to it
Like a thunderstorm
And I didn't regret it for a second

The questions are on replay in my head
What if I can't find a job?
What if I lose my apartment?
What if Iose everything?
I watched a friend
In the same situation
Her jaws clunching from pain.

Wish I could help
What if I could help?
Her pain radiated through me
And my tension levels rise
I check my account
Call off all the dentists
Tell her what to say
In order to get her way
They wouldn't do it
She cried. She never cries.

Well **** this if I can't even fix her!
I thought to myself
As I buried my face in my hands.

But then it all fell in to place
Like the Whisperers said it would.
Two job offers, starting on Monday
I'm saved!
I gave her the money
this is what you say to get your way
It all worked out.
Her pain stopped...

My relief spread through me rapidly
And I sighed my pain away.
All in one day
Sometimes life smiles at you
And what a beautiful smile it is.
And in that moment I noticed you...

The boy with dark eyes
Professor in engeneering.
I could do worse
I think to myself
As I check out your ***.
"You were right" I smiled
"That's more than I got out of my exes"

Oh I see. We've arrived at the ladder of comparaison
I smirk as I put your things in my bag
Because you asked me to hold on to them,
As a subtle indicator
That I'm more than comfortable around you...
Life has a gorgeous smile!

-those a some big *** "shot glasses"
- that's because the only people who have shots at my place, are related to you.
Written by
Sirenes  Belgium
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