Clumsy dismount down from the scrutiny of cross cut shredder victimisation A shamefaced, self-actualising whingebag My name is Daughter My name is Employee My name is Passenger. Payee. Belonging at an irreduceable remove from A heart, childishly pasted in a carapace of postage stamps. Once kept in albums of purposeful art. The role is guilt ridden recipient more often than sender. Reassembly will be an inexpert labour of love But not that kind, amigo But not that kind I'm to be my own pet. I can see that once I was off I was always off. All of us who have lived this close to the end of England are forever leaving the sea I am leaving the sea and everything i've ever dumped in it Cold chips. Warm eyes, busted loves It's all now bound behind me. For the continent For the sea. Weeping now and fielding concerned looks not for me but for the balance I'm so relieved I'm so free I could bite something hard and break my teeth.