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Sep 2016
Don’t like to think about how long it took for you to die
when they closed the oven doors on your about to panic
You had hoped for the best against your better judgement
and the 2000 euros used to help you escape the
ISIS injunction enveloping the chalky land you left
Entrusted your hope to those grubby traffickers
and I have the strong sense it could have been me
about to FreakOut since there was no evident escape
No way to extricate yourself up, down, or sideways
but in your mind you must have tried figuring it out
before insanity needled you into remembering
what brought you there to suffocate and beg
for freedom from inside your minds suicide surrender
with one last breath even though the torture that
was left behind had still followed you

Written by Sara Fielder Β© Sept 2015
Sara Went Sailing
Written by
Sara Went Sailing  Bohemia
   --- and R Arora
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