Romance on the road Watch as the story unfolds Truck Driver Mike has a wife at home But he is constantly on the road, so there is always a possibility of roam It was on Interstate 95 Truck stop called “Resting Easy” Truck driving Mike met Susan, but known on the highway as Cruisin Sue It was love at the rest pit There are all kinds of words that would fit Yet Mike and Susan became a couple that was it At one point, they were driving traveling together Mike and Susan were inacceptable like no other They were even known on the road The blinking truck headlights were always a signal of behold Meanwhile, Mike’s wife often wondered if there was something going on with Mike Mike’s wife name being Jennifer often felt uptight Then later, there was suspicion with evidence being a clue Jennifer was determined she had a divorce papers that need to pursue When Mike came back from traveling on the road, he did confess Yet Mike’s wife could care less Jennifer decided she was ready to move on She was going to let Mike continue trucking along Jennifer felt a new beginning is where she belonged Cruisin Sue and Mike finally got married How long did the marriage last, I won’t tell I will just let your heart swell Keep on truckin with on the road again.