The illumination rounds light up the sky, My love, and it's time for us to embark Where the heavens are our cover The darkness is our saviour, and Only victory our release. For you know how it is m' dear When the lead starts to rain The field rages hot with fire And in the heat of it, you alone Stand besides me, unflinching Unquenchable spitfire that you are The world dances to the Lady's whims The night and snow close around us. But in you alone, there is a comfort. To face death and come what may, For when the sun shines again. Our hour shall have come. We march together for glory awaits us But so does death. And he waits. He watches. He sends down fire, and splinter and shot and shell And you never fail to reply . He shudders the earth and melts rock, And yet your aim is true. Victory is enshrined in your musical chatter For even though I lie, with you in my blood smeared, You live to fight another day. My victory is your resilience. My courage is your accuracy. My sacrifice is your continuum. Your mortals have fallen many times afore you. And yet you soldier on. Unheralded unlike him, with bronze on his chest. You deal in lead. And in victory . At the end of all things, you alone stay with me.