You know that feeling you get sometimes where it feels like you want to explode? You feel the need to burst and it's not because you're angry you just have this sudden creative urge to say something be it through writing, music, art, photography, etc. It's the feeling that makes holding a cup of coffee in the morning difficult because your hands are shaking, it's the feeling you get when you hear a song you really like on the radio and you can't help but dance to it, or the feeling you get when you see your lover wearing a specific shirt that makes him look so **** and all you want to do is rip his clothes off wherever you are and just break free? You think you are going crazy but you're not. That feeling you feel, that burning, can't sit still, aching need to express yourself is not a sign of craziness. That's passion! When it knocks on the door to your heart you need to let it in, give into it, let it guide you, let it teach you, let it change you, let it take you on the best adventure you have ever been on. If you choose to ignore your passion it's voice will get louder and louder. It demands to be heard and it demands to be set free. Passion is a lot like love. It finds you when you least expect it, it fills your heart with happiness and it changes you for the better. Do not ever try to quiet your passion. Embrace it, make love with it, fire it up and let it do it's wonders. Let it open you up to possibilities you never thought existed. You were given your passion for a reason. Do not let fear of failure or the opinions of others have control of it.
WRITTEN ON: Mandie Michelle Sanders WRITTEN ON: September. 20, 2016 Tuesday 4:23 AM