I know the feeling of uneasiness for the first time; for the world has arrived at our door, the fortress is no more; I am growing up as I know each day is now where fear comes to feed upon our lives; and yet it is still a prayer that is the thin line between a long life and one that is the horror of tomorrows news; it’s them, always them, people who aren’t real; but they are; they are as real as my own thoughts and dreams; but I do not know where the thoughts behind my eyes live or where they go when I am asleep
For those walking to the far corners of freedom, where the shadow begins as the sun falls upon our lives and so too the rainbow when the rain finally yields to mercy upon those washed upon the shores of injustice, dreaming their souls may one day know peace, the strain upon the inelastic thread of an pretended peace is applied so that all who believe in its fabric may know how easily it will unravel with the slightest tug as it was laid beneath our feet so long ago with forgotten intentions but now buried under the dust of unrelenting indifference
Is the outrage of our life over death or respect; is life so cheap that words and icons are favored over what happens on our streets; can a man be so numb that he believes those who perish must somehow deserve the fate that came to know them so intimately; the fatalistic view of life is that God’s will explains everything, yet is it so simple that evil triumphs over good at the hand of the moment God looked away or does he passively observe to see if we choose to beg for his mercy or curse his name?
Our swords have been drawn; heaven has struck once again, dividing brother against brother while the secular army marches forward, likewise as unmindful to love as they are determined to ****** their gilded steely ideals home in the name of the mother who bore them as the blood splatters upon a poor woman begging for food while her child feeds upon hopeless *******; neither of whom cares to provide milk for the God who allows good and evil or those who built the bridge between two nations casting blame upon each other
Is there no common purpose no matter our conviction of creation; must a declaration of belief in the God of Abraham followed by a declaration that he rose from the dead or rose while alive or did not rise at all or is it that a declaration that no supposed God is necessary to reign supreme over men trying to live their lives without dying while silence continues to disintegrate the love all men carry for anyone other than their children; is this the choice, God or no God; this God or that; this messiah or that; this word or that; but love is neither this or that, rather it is that which is this which is that I feel when I see my love tell me that I am neither this or that but instead that I am that I am