But as the sun sets ironically over the straightaway bridge towards 30-40 And we all gather under our respective flags beside the big silver pole of the library by the Laundromat, American, Dominican, Democratic, Demonic, More gather under the flag of rainbows than one could think And though some hide, Although most wear a mask, We are in greater numbers than you realize. Please, respect us as we respect you. But it's okay if you don't. We'll forgive you. Because we follow Christianity closer to the letter than most that dub themselves as Christian, Wearing mixed fabric, Eating bacon, But bacon is good and nobody blames you for not wearing all-cotton, because that gets itchy. But we forgive you. In Jesus' name, we forgive you For your ignorance, For your fear. We forgive you. We aren't bad people. We are just the same as the rest of you. We go to church. We don't eat rats, Unless you count the slop in a McDonalds chicken nugget... We simply have another love. We simply want to be like you. Please don't hate us, Please don't attack us, We haven't done a thing to you. But we forgive you. We just want to love as you do. We just want to be loved as thy neighbor. We forgive your fears, your feelings, your farce-follies and your false feelings... Because we love you; we forgive you.