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Sep 2016
I walked a winding nature path
To tune into the quiet wood
Behind left all my coulds and shoulds
Where they can wait till I get back

I found a bench inside the shade
Inviting me to dry rot trust
The air smelled earthy, damp and crushed
And for a few my mind escapes

The singing trees played soft birdsong
While insects marched in lines on ground
Atop the crunchy leaves dead brown
As more were raining slow and long

A rustling back behind my ear
Where waist high grass stems bow and bend
There's something there, the message sends
My luck, a female white tailed deer!

Sleepy thoughts and forest dreams
The shadows stretch as time goes by
I feel the calm identify
And mix with Gaia's leafy green

Might have done some chores instead
It seems I always have a few
But chose to take in newer views
And empty litter from my head

Written by Sara Fielder Β© Oct 2014
Sara Went Sailing
Written by
Sara Went Sailing  Bohemia
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