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Sep 2016
Positive Positivity
Oftentimes I’ve been guilty of not seeing the
Sunny side. The river is flowing around me but
I’m not a part of it. It happens to the best of us~
The attitude we're stuck in a logjam & life could
Improve. We may have been
Victimized by our family or friends. It’s
Easier to place the blame on others.
People are not meeting our expectations,
Or giving us the respect we think we deserve.
Still, who is REALLY
In control of our mindset?
Those thoughts that we are empowering?
Isn’t the direction of thought our choice?
If you are strong enough, and wise enough
To change them from bad to good
You'll take sunshine with you wherever you go!

Written by Sara Fielder © Apr 2012
Sara Went Sailing
Written by
Sara Went Sailing  Bohemia
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