In a world of where people rush to live and die, sunshine turns to radiation and wind turns to monsoons, flowers wither and fade trees are struck by lightning, people who walk dream of sitting down and people who are immobilized dream of walking forever, beings that shine and sparkle in the depths of darkness and decay, beings that illuminate a false light in the dawn of a new day, I wish I could turn back time and start everything anew, because I miss what I had once when I couldn't see the awful truth, I wish I could smile freely again not have to shelter myself from danger, I wish I could be bright bold and happy not anxious and tired in despair, but most of all I wish of that time where I dreamed, sunflower kingdoms and golden sidewalks cluttered cozy homes and warmth of fire a suitcase, long coat, gloves, scarves, hat, and a radiant full teethed smile as I waved and held fast to the world of dreams exploring and travel,