I’ve been down many roads, dusty and unpaved, but never like the one you asked me to travel on. I see you up ahead but as I near you fade like every heart break, like every foolish dream.
It’s not just the barren emptiness, the desolation of nothing, it’s that once all this was green with all shades of colors; life actually was alive here with springs of passion. There was an address with a door bell and when rung you would answer with kissable smiles and warm embraces.
But now you remind me too of the blindness, the hopelessness of love, of never being able to say “I’ve been wrong” “I’m sorry”.
You just went away. And I no longer care.
Aztec Warrior/redzone 8.27.16
...thanks for reading.. music link is to Nickleback's "How You Remind Me" https://youtu.be/1cQh1ccqu8M