I glance behind my shoulder people whom I've known since 4th grade but now don't know walk on by I look up at the skies see the same sky and sun but different structured clouds with airplanes dragging in the distance people who are leaving for a new start or coming home to rest or fight I unlock the front door same door but different lock and same old house but different beds and rooms addition of paintings and flower vases because I can appreciate art something they couldn't ever do I stare at my hands they're the same but so very different young and vibrant now knotted and dead like the blades of grass and flowers and stars and the hair on the forearms of someone's skinny fat dark light tan arms they will continue to grow on and live while I along with the human race will be wiped from the face of the Earth one day with a longing so persistent in my heart that my soul will bear on the way to a better world and a better person I dream of that other world because I failed in making a difference in this one.