It may be the essential – feeling loved: The need that breeds endeavor. Genes count, nature/nurture too, Of course they do. But you? How are you shaped on other fronts? On every inner front that counts?
Upward-striving, brave, risk-taking? Anti- any thought of faking? Thin-skinned, concrete or faith based? Seeing all as interfaced?
There is no shield to life or love, Each quality a chance, an option; Course of action, Possibility if let.
Meeting, greeting all you get, And every action a solution; Taking love, rebuff – it all, Direction never faltering.
In each action there exists A universe of rules to choose from. You suffused with Feelings of Concern and tenderness and feeling love(d).
Do You Feel Loved? 9.3.2016 I Is Always You Is We; Arlene Corwin