Starting with a sudden thought, Which then leads to rapid negative emotions. The heart beats as fast as a jackhammer, my right leg mimics the motion.
A tight and sharp sensation is felt in my lungs, With hyperventilation to follow. My mind races like a stallion. The feeling of anxiety is at play.
Am I going to die? Will I experience the worst imaginable? Is my nausea leading to a sea of bile on the floor? Here comes my loss of balance.
As my hands start to shake, My legs continuing to tap, I pray for the lord to give me a break. I fail to sleep. I refuse to take a nap.
The subconscious is strong. Too strong to bare. The flesh is weak. Weak as the mind it protects.
A little pill to sedate the patient, A pill that's small and yellow. With my antispasmodics adjacent, These pills aim to mellow, The one ailment causing these symptoms.
Anxiety. Such a fancy word. A synonym for evil. They say everybody has anxiety. But do they understand fully on what happens inside of me?
I will forever be cursed, With mental instability. As my mind so ominously bursts, My thoughts hold me victim to infidelity.