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Aug 2016
This lover likes to cover me,
with soft lips and sandpaper hands.
His mouth on my body,
while fingers tugg through my dark hair,
and close around my throat.

This man is greedy with me.
Devours me whole,
always rough with need.
Yet his lips are the only contrasting element.
Setting my skin on fire,
with each delicate kiss.

His strong body,
is so graceful over mine.
We move together intertwined.
Always bending me,
a new position of pleasure.
His grip leaves bruises,
trails of proof along my skin.

He only speaks in hushed gasps,
my name he whispers on the peak of ecstasy.
"You're mine"
he always says,
Kissing my swollen lips.
His eyes so dark,
I don't dare to disagree.
Awesome Annie
Written by
Awesome Annie  32/F/Batesville Indiana
(32/F/Batesville Indiana)   
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