Have your determination high Put efforts to the test in try When the going gets tough don’t cry Don’t question yourself with your own why Achievement requires being destine Assurance in being confident Illusions are not a final conclusion Discouragement from individuals should make you stronger It’s perseverance and endurance that helps you achieve longer The vision is to see the light Overcoming boundaries not making you uptight A theory in sustaining plights An upbeat flow that will certainly take flight Let your inner positive thoughts be like a soaring bird Let your voice illustrate inspiring words Stand up being the test in having a reason to be heard Words being a leader, but having a strategy Involvement presenting plenty of activity Illustrate sentences say look up The key is not to get fed up Thinking positive with a plan to be on the move Concentrate with every bouncing step of a positive soothe You have everything to prove A mountain has stepped in your way, but climb a waits so don’t hesitate, but be determined every day.