The grass crunches beneath my feet as I step through the fog of my breath and into the crisp late-summer air of this idle Tuesday morning.
Signs tell me when to stop and lights tell me when to go, these pedals beneath my feet have me longing for unfamiliarity.
Don't the people know not to show their faces around here anymore, when life comes knocking at your door how can you be expected to say no?
I see them in their little cars and trucks, I see them driving through their lives but do they see me watching them safely from the inside of my mind?
Don't let this life pass you by, try not to fall too far behind because there are beautiful lies that want to keep you locked inside.
I, for one, have grown ever tired of them telling me to hide, and lulling me away from the things I dream of experiencing almost each and every single day.
Come with me and we can see space between our little lives.