I want to go back to my past When tame pigeons of joy nested on my eaves And I could hear their crooning With the sweetness of love outpouring
I want to go back to my past When innocent instincts ruled my heart And I ran after every call from the woods or bush Mesmerized by the whistles of the oriole and the thrush
I want to go back to my past When every rainbow and every peacock feather Ignited curiosity in me as a child And colored my imagination wild
I want to go back to my past When, with friends, I sat in the mango grove And savored the ripe juicy mangoes Careful not to let the pulp drip down our mouths
I want to go back to my past When we strolled along the sandy strands Watching the wild waves fray And cooled by the kiss of spray
I want to go back to my past When we had watched at night A hundred fireflies dancing around the neem Wondering if they were stars fallen from heaven’s seam
I want to go back to my past When, like breeze, we ran over the meadows Looking for the bleating lamb Singing in chorus, ‘Mary had a little lamb’
I want to go back to my past, When life appears a trying test With ‘the slings and arrows of an outrageous fortune’ And as and when I feel so desperately alone!