It's just like yesterday The dark clouds are hovering But the rains just don't arrive It's been like this for many days now The rains it seems have forgotten about my village They don't remember me no more Earlier they'd pay me a visit regularly Falling with such magnificence and grace Creating a harmony so beautiful So surreal So inspiring They'd meet the rivers and ponds Play with the wind Caress the grass Fill the trees with joy Fill the birds with such energy Kiss the earth with such incredible passion They'd fall on my terrace with such vigour I'd bathe in it I'd dance in it I'd taste every bit of it's glory It was such a soul satisfier They'd fall on my window panes... ...writing messages of love and hope ...messages of faith and belief They'd travel many a miles just to come and meet me Alas!...they don't come here anymore It's all a thing of the past now And i just can't seem to fathom this How could it make me a stranger in an instant??? My village is burning My soul is yearning Each and everyday i'm praying Dear rain...please pay my village a visit It needs you I need you You mean everything to me I need to feel you on my skin I need to be touched by you My soul is but a barren land without you So please come and meet me