All the way to the end It burns, burns, burns. Crumbling, and crippling as the ashes fall on your lap. And you inhale with a smirk and you exhale without gasp
I watch you take in the heated smoke and I imagine how it passes through your lungs gently caressing the inside of your body just as I lay my fingertips on your back and barely trace across you.
I try very hard not to stare at you but it's almost impossible to keep my gaze away from your radiant smile and the way your mouth wraps around that cigarette
I feel almost embarrassed to be so intent on watching such a small mannerism but I'm overwhelmed by an intoxicating feeling, a desire to learn every thing I can about you.
My face gets hot and I try and focus on something else But it's so difficult not to look, so I stare at my shoes. I feel like a child, overwhelmed and nervous and my breath quickens when your fingers wrap around my hand.
Inhale, exhale. Inhale, exhale. Laughter. Conversation. Thoughts. Inhale, exhale. Inhale, exhale. The rhythm settles and ignites just like that lighter you click to start over again. A new cigarette. A fresh start. To a new song.