Complex is the road to the apex in a man Determined in those formative, young years, Where infantile and adolescent socializing skills Develop mind sets that aren't resolved by tears. For in overcoming challenge with objective rationale, In perusing detachment’s crucial eye, In acceptance of a criticisms biting, sharp array An admission builds perception to the sky.
A common demarcation twixt the realm of work and play Renders blurring satisfaction with one’s lot, When we love the things we do, satisfaction shall accrue While convergent thinking blends the skills we’ve got. Passionate objectivity played with energetic calm Holds the secret to the quest to make it fun With devotion’s steady hand in a thought provoking man Progress harnesses misjudgement’s smoking gun.
The skill to listen to the crowd without rebuttal yelled aloud But have the ability to firmly have your say, Means naivety’s restraint deflects acceptance’s constraint Assuring separation’s wheat from chaff, shall pay. Be humble, Sir, and proud as you broach your game, aloud Taking pride in the achievements that you yearn, Let emotion’s heady swell temper what you do so well Yet dwell within that place, wherein you know, you learn.
Complex are constraints found retaining hard complaint But intelligence shall always take firm hold, Where beauty in this beast is the judgement factored least For endeavour rules the best beget the bold.*