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Aug 2016
You let me down.
It was your wish
A great longing from deep within. A fantacy an idea your idea, but in its execution you let me down.

I was silent just enjoying my grand thoughts. Some nice n other little ***** and like a bombshell you said it.
You let me down

Just out of the blues, you dropped it like an eighteen ton scad.
Just like that you said, you no longer require it. And put it that , I couldn't finance it. You truly put me down.

You belittled my effort, made me feel in worthy. You made me gwarky and a little blob.
Almost felt like a wart on the beautiful face of you, you truly let me down.
Let the shaver glory in reduction and let the farmer glory in growth. All are seasons and reasons in life.
Feeling bad
Written by
ALEX mbuni IKINGI  Meru Kenya
(Meru Kenya)   
   Lior Gavra
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