Take my meds take my meds Before I go to bed,yeah Then go to bed go to bed And then get up and take it again You must get better so you take your meds And then you go to bed And you watch tv abs have a shower and you put your body cream on But you take your meds take your meds then you go to bed And then you get up really really get up and take it again Watch tv and go to low income work yeah well you can't win them all but as long as you take your meds take your meds And go to bed If you can't sleep can't sleep You get up and watch tv And when you get tired you go to bed and you have slept long enough you get up again You watch tv and you eat your meals and you have a few nanna naps then you take your meds Take your meds then you watch tv and occasionally you go out and have a party but if you want to avoid people getting cranky with you, you must take your meds then get dressed and have a can of coke Go to your party and have some fun and when it is over you take your meds take your meds and watch tv and then go to bed And wake up and do it all again