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Jul 2016
Vast hollow scraped
from land by the
slow cadence of some
retreating glacier.

Melt from high flows
larvic to fill the void.

Quiet invasion of
waters forming
stone quarrying
rivers until,
overfilled the
crystal clears

Overspills and
streams to ocean
lapping at milk-
white cliffs,
hungry as cats.

Quiet invasion
walking on
continental drift

Wattle and daub
blue-dyed men

Hush now the
quiet priest
hands out leaf
to cover the fig
fruit of fecundity

Without sound
quiet bands move
always move and
increase until

Around the fire in
moonlit waters shown
the tom toms open
relentless beat

Too late
too late the quiet
invaders imitate
and mock

Then ****-

Nations at war
Written by
Mike Adam  65/M/London England
(65/M/London England)   
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