And who is wise? He With sayings Memorized From a book Written long ago By men Who worship Stones? And who is the fool? She Who cannot Or will not Listen to her elder? Who denies The water That a rose needs Does the gardener Scoff Because a rose Is not a desert flower Or unable to grow From a rock? Who is the fool Who allows the bees Their turn While he looks away? Assuming everything Understanding nothing Yet shouts Ignorance At the flower When instead A gentle breeze And drops Of love Are needed Who is the fool? Who cannot see the flower For what it is? Who cannot sleep Knowing the flower Attracts others So instead He prays And becomes An eclipse A cloud A shadow A drought A blade To cut down Her beauty So he can bury her Under earthful scorn Mocking her For her ungrateful thorns Because mere life Was not good enough Instead she dared To be who she was Yes he mocks Knowing his wisdom But unknowing his loneliness Which will become the shadow Over his life Who is the fool? The flower? Or the gardener?