The Lord saw aΒ Β Woman one day and whispered in her ear. Take this child and raise it, teach him all he'll need to know, Teach him love, hope and kindness as the days pass and he starts to grow. Raise him in the church, he said, so he'll know that God is the way And when trouble comes or life's destiny calls, he'll hold fast to the Lord and pray.
Then came the Lord again twice more and whispered what he did before. Each time she took another child raising it no different from the one she bore. The years past, the children grew, and the Lord came once again. This time he came to take a child and the mother did bare much pain.
"Why take my child?", the mother cried, "I've done all that you've asked." The Lord replied, "I knew you would 'twas why I chose you for the task." " You've taught him well and fed his soul with goodness and with love." " But his pure heart could last no longer save in the kingdom above."
" And though his loss may sadden your heart for all the days he's gone, Take what you gave to this child for yourself to carry-on." " Keep your heart as pure as his was in the days in which he lived And one day I'll come back for you and we all in the kingdom shall live."