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Jul 2016
As soon as i have ideas
Of unrefined cinematic cues;
A rationalized introspect aimlessly drifting in
Or intuition whispered from within.
I differentiate thought from mental aptitude purposely
And go after one full heartedly.
One is external stimuli
And the other is a divine sigh.
One is taken and interpreted
While the other is given and subjugated.
Guidance over impetus
I give the mind no time and space
To doubt the method
Of borrowed wings from a dormant God.
I set my sails towards the storm
And brave the chalice for His adorn.
I meet my end
At the hands of sand;
Torn apart, lost at sea,
I piece my wreck and return with glee.
Just when the shores of Salvatore's island
Bode new beginnings, a comfort never fitting for a fearless stand.
It is my attitude of letting go
Which purchases the deliverance of the seed I sow.
Sive Myeki
Written by
Sive Myeki  South Africa
(South Africa)   
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